Professional Profile: Thomas Blakely 2015

Thomas Blakely - 2015

Name: Thomas Blakely - 2015

Title: President

Company: TRB Realty

Location: Newton, MA

Birthplace: Newton, MA

Family: Jennifer (wife), Thomas (son), Rebecca (daughter)

College:  Northeastern University

First job unrelated to your current field:  Computer electronics

First job in current field:  Brokerage - Hunneman & Company Coldwell Banker

What your firm does now and its plans for the future? We will continue to build upon our proven track record (two decades) of accomplishments.  Our purpose is to continue providing the best commercial real estate brokerage services for real estate owners, business owners and the community-at-large.  We are proud of our proven track record and plan to continue to grow as a firm in the future.    

Hobbies:  Family time, golfing, playing the drums, making homemade wine

Favorite novel:  “The Grapes of Wrath”

Favorite film:  “The Godfather”

Keys to success:  “Build that…whatever that may be to you…you will look back some day without regret and be very proud that you were able to do so…and did.  If you choose not to, that is your choice, just don’t begrudge those that did.”

Peson(s) you most admire (outside of family):  All of those that work hard, raise their families and honestly tell it like it is without any fear of political correctness.

If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?  Developer