Professional Profile: Thomas Massaro 2017
Name: Thomas Massaro - 2017
Title: Principal
Company: Building Files LLC
Location: Wallingford, CT
Birthplace: N/A
Education: A.S Mechanical Engineer
Favorite novel: “Idea Man”
Favorite film: “Field of Dreams”
Hobbies: Playing guitar
Keys to success: Being able to multitask and efficiently breaking down tasks into logic.
Name someone famous who inspires you: Paul Allen
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Building Files is a technology company that developed an interactive, cloud based, building information management system that is used by consultants, contactors, and facility engineers throughout the country. Clients can easily manage building construction information such as correspondences, RFI’s, shop drawings, building drawings, pictures, contracts, O&M’s etc remotely 24/7, on any device. In the future, we will be developing a full line of mobile apps to make the platform more powerful along with adapting new technology such as augmented reality.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Stock broker, rock star