Professional Profile: Vinnie Martorano 2020

Name: Vinnie Martorano
Title: Business Development
Company: Tecta America New England
Location: Portland, ME
Birthplace: Portland, ME
Family: Wife Susanne, daughters Mikayla and Kylie
College: Southern Maine Community College
First job unrelated to your current field: Stocking shelves at my uncle’s store, Anania’s Variety
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Top quality commercial roofing business, providing both service repair and production services. We plan to increase our customer base and enjoy continued growth and success.
Hobbies: Fishing, boating, snowmobiling, being outdoors, and working on/driving my old Jeep Wrangler.
Favorite novel: Old Man and the Sea
Favorite film: Back to the Future (great soundtrack too)
Keys to success: Follow thru, respect and courtesy
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): I admire everyone in our military, first responders, healthcare workers, and essential workers for their contributions.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Game Warden