Q10|Capital and iCap Realty Advisors merge

April 08, 2009 - Financial Digest

James Murphy

According to James Murphy, CMB, chairman of Q10|Capital and Q10|New England Realty Resources, leading national commercial mortgage banking firms, Q10|Capital, iCap Realty Advisors and Professional Mortgage are merging and will operate as members of Q10|Capital. This announcement was officially made at the Mortgage Banker's Association Commercial Real Estate Finance convention which took place in San Diego, Calif. in February.
Q10|Capital is now one of the leading mortgage banking servicer of loans in the U.S. and has 18 member firms with offices in 27 markets across the U.S.

Over the past three years, these firms have collectively placed over $15 billion in new loans and currently service a loan portfolio in excess of $20 billion. Q10|Capital is headquartered in Nashville, Tenn. and overseen by a managing board of directors made up of representatives from each member firm.


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