QDC's facility is energy efficient and environmentally friendly

March 13, 2008 - Rhode Island

Quonset Development Corp.

When the Quonset Development Corp.'s (QDC) 16 maintenance vehicles used for construction, plowing roads and mowing grass need an oil change, the old oil will be carefully siphoned and collected in a tank in the new maintenance garage. From there, the used oil will be sent through a state of the art furnace system and used to heat the building.
That is one feature of the green features QDC has built into its new maintenance garage and administration building designed to set an example of energy efficiency and environmental sensitivity.
The garage also has two tanks that collect rainwater and recycles the water for irrigation. The plantings surrounding the building are also drought resistant. And the footprint of the building, at 18,000 s/f, is 66% smaller than the existing space.


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