Questions and answers for Annual Review 2015 - by Erron Smith

December 18, 2015 - Connecticut
Erron Smith, Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc. Erron Smith, Connecticut Economic Resource Center, Inc.

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2015?

2015 was a great year for myself and my colleagues here at the Connecticut Economic Resource Center.  In the spring, we hosted our 14th SiteFinder Showcase at Bradley International Airport, highlighting development opportunities around state and regional transportation centers such as the New Haven and Hartford commuter rail lines.   And in December we had record attendance for the Celebrate Connecticut event which honors economic development successes throughout the state.  Hosting an event that celebrates the state’s accomplishments (that might otherwise go unnoticed) is very rewarding and something that we all enjoy working on together. 

 What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2015?

Advancing our international business recruitment efforts in 2015 was a very exciting undertaking -- a focus we will continue to carry out in 2016, by engaging companies that would benefit from establishing a market presence in the U.S. 

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2016?

Connecticut will continue to see investment and expansion interest from foreign companies looking to enter the U.S. market. 

Locations that have access to a diverse and educated labor force, with various modes of transportation that support the live, work, play lifestyle will be in high demand.



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