Quick update from the executive director

August 25, 2010 - Green Buildings

Jennifer Marrapese executive director

This will be my last communication for a week or two, as I'm headed off to vacation in Madison, Wisconsin with my family on Friday. But I wanted to fill you in on what the staff and I have been working on over the past few weeks.
The short story is that we've been operating at a fever pitch this summer, and finding opportunities to collaborate, both internally and with external partners, almost everywhere we look.
Here's a snapshot of what's underway:
*We have developed a media tool kit so that we can better equip our Green Buildings Open House organizers and hosts to promote the tour, being held on October 2nd;
*Our Education Department is working closely with the BuildingEnergy planning committee on our first Educators' Summit, to be held at BE11;
*We are partnering with other organizations (Affordable Comfort, Green Roundtable/NEXUS, the BSA, and others) to spread the word about our programs and better serve our members;
* We are more clearly defining NESEA's brand so you'll begin to recognize us more readily. We've been working with Mitch Anthony and Susan Lapointe on our ads, website, and other promotional materials to create a cleaner, more consistent look and feel for the NESEA tribe.
*We're looking closely at the relationship of NESEA members and chapters to NESEA central - trying to envision what it might look like if we were building it from scratch, and identifying ways to move toward that ideal state.
* And there's more . . . much more!
I'm happy to share any of these developments with you if you'd like to contact me directly after August 8th. Until then, I'll be "off the grid!" — Jennifer
Jennifer Marrapese, executive director of Northeast Sustainable Energy, Greenfield, Mass.


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