R.I. Appraisal Institute chapter goals for 2008

February 08, 2008 - Appraisal & Consulting

Thomas Andolfo

The Rhode Island Chapter's first 2008 board meeting was held on January 15th.  At that time the Board brought forth the chapter's mission and goals for 2008 as stated below:
The mission of the chapter in 2008 is to continue to support and advance our members in a relationship with the market for valuation services in Rhode Island, New England and nationwide.  The chapter exists solely for the benefit of our members.  To that end, the chapter will promote those members to the public as the authority in providing real estate solutions to any appraisal situation.
The chapter specific goals for 2008:
1. Offer to chapter membership and all R.I. licensed and certified appraisers a large number of Appraisal Institute nationally developed seminars and courses. To that end, the chapter will continue to develop, maintain and expand its email list so that notice of chapter educational offerings will be specifically directed to appraisers who require education for continuing ed credits, license upgrades, and/or designation requirements.
2. Continue to maintain and expand our chapter web site as a means of advertising our education schedule and inform non-members about what the Appraisal Institute can offer them in the way of professional development and earning capability. The web site will also allow laypeople visitors the ability to directly link with the Appraisal Institute for more detailed information, especially its membership directory.
3.  Increase our chapter membership from 90 to 95 by year's end.
4.  Provide guidance to those associates who are seeking Appraisal Institute designations. Our goal is to have 3 newly designated SRA members by year's end.
5.  Continue to foster networking opportunities for our members such as presenting chapter sponsored offerings with other professional organizations such as tax assessors, bankers etc.; offer short educational offerings at general membership meetings held in breakfast or dinner settings; maintain the chapter's annual golf outing and holiday installation affair open to all members and their guests, especially honoring new members and past presidents of the chapter.
6. Maintain through chapter email a monthly president's letter as to informing membership of board decisions and/or chapter/regional/national happenings.
At the meeting, the board regrettably accepted the resignation of Paul Sczerbinski, SRA.  Sczerbinski provided our chapter with many years of diligent service and commitment, especially as ably and honorably serving as chapter president in 2001. To fill the vacated position, the board nominated Jamie Moore who graciously accepted to serve.
Also, the board began the nomination process for new officers and directors for 2009 as the slate of candidates must be in place for chapter vote by July. Nominated by the president was Ted Osteroff and nominated by the board was Adam Andolfo.  One other board position will be filled by nomination by the full chapter membership in the spring.
Lastly, the board seeks nominations from chapter membership for designated members to serve as incoming president and vice president of education. Both positions require a "lead" time in learning/understanding the varied Appraisal Institute responsibilities of maintaining a local chapter;  the president-elect requested to participate in an "in-coming" presidents work session held in Chicago sometime in September. 
The board wants its members to know that it exists to serve and promote our chapter members and input from membership is always welcomed. To that end, the board encourages anyone interested in volunteering in any way, to please reach out to us.  Participation in our chapter activities generally does not require a large time commitment and there are several ways to get involved depending on personal and professional interests.  Most importantly, members can benefit greatly by the friendships and contacts that are developed as a result of the experience!

Thomas Andolfo is the 2008 president of the Rhode Island chapter of the Appraisal Institute, Providence, R.I.


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