R.I. Chapter of the Appraisal Institute held it's Holiday meeting Dec. 9th

January 13, 2011 - Appraisal & Consulting

Officers and directors for 2011. Front row- Jamie Moore, Ann Hollands, Evelyn Spagnolo and Greg Accetta. Back row- Bradford Hevenor, William McGovern, William Coyle, S. Keith White, Gerald Roche and Paul Cunningham.

R.I. state rep Douglas Gablinske presents incoming president William McGovern, SRA with a framed congratulations citation.

Immediate past president Ann Hollands receives a ceremonial gavel from incoming president William McGovern

Shown (from left) are: William Coyle, William McGovern, incoming chapter president and Ann Hollands, immediate past president.

Executive Secretary Elsie John receives a token of appreciation from outgoing chapter president Ann Hollands.

R.I. Chapter of the Appraisal Institute held it's Annual Holiday Meeting and Installation of Officers and Directors for 2011 on December 9th. Pictured are some of the attendees and the participants.


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