Ralph Valentine 2010

June 03, 2010 - Northern New England

Ralph Valentine

Name: Ralph Valentine
Title: Principal
Company: The Valentine Group
Location: 3 Nashua Rd., Londonderry, NH 03038
Birtplace: Everett, Mass.
Family: Married with 2 children
College: B.S. Accounting from Bentley 1976, MBA Suffolk Univ. 1987
First job outside of real estate: Stocking shelves at Star Market
First job in real estate: Field survey crew (high school & college)
What do you do now, and what are you planning for the future?: The firm is focused on brokerage, currently working on several medical and industrial assignments. We are looking to staff up the administration/research department and to hire one or two brokers. We are considering expanding into property management as the opportunities arise.
Hobbies: Skiing, reading, hiking and traveling
Favorite book: Profile in Courage by John F. Kennedy
Favorite movie: Apollo 13
Person you most emulate (outside of family): I study different historical figures as the need arises.
Key to success: Focus on the things you can control
If you had to choose another vocation, what would it be?: Teaching


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