RCA Business Profiles: The Herbert H. Landy Insurance Agency

February 12, 2009 - Spotlights

The Herbert H. Landy Insurance Agency

Name of Company: The Herbert H. Landy Insurance Agency
Location: 75 Second Ave., Suite 410, Needham, MA 02494
Services: Errors & omissions insurance for real estate professionals
Year founded: 1949
Founder: Herbert Landy
Recent accomplishments: Landy Insurance is a leading national provider of errors & omissions insurance for real estate agents & brokers, real estate appraisers and other real estate professionals. Serving thousands of clients in Mass. and throughout the United States and representing an A++ rated carrier by A.M. Best, we offer comprehensive policy coverage, competitive premiums and a risk management program providing free and confidential pre claims legal and business assistance. In addition, our experienced underwriting makes us able to meet the needs of large and small firms alike, including commercial real estate brokers.


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