Recent CCIM event and upcoming educational sessions

March 25, 2009 - Front Section

Chris Norwood of CCIM

So, last week I went golfing. I did not get muddy, but nor did I get any sun. This should not be taken as some Zen-like riddle. I was golfing in the Great-Indoors (not to be confused by an Aykroyd/Candy movie of a similar title). Thanks to the CCIM programs committee a group of 30 or so chapter members and guests joined up in Natick to try their hands at some simulated machines and of course to get some help from the pros.

For those of you who have not had the pleasant experience of viewing your golf swing on film, I highly suggest you join us next year. We had four golf pro's on duty to help us from our address, to our back swing and follow through. Though I cannot speak for the rest of our CCIM brethren, I can say this: My swing looked worse on screen than if Darth Vader were on Dancing with the Stars. It is absolutely amazing to take a look at your swing, in the presence of a golf pro, and see what you are doing well (not much) and what you can improve (everything).

Golf not your thing, you say? How about making money? Over the next few months we will have a few educational sessions that are sure to help you make some money. In April we are targeting a program on Self Directed IRAs. I know it is just after St. Patty's Day but think taxes not Ireland.
The program will be co-taught but a number of panelist but will center around how you can take you or your clients IRA Money and invest in the wide worth of assets outside of the stock market. Options, notes, real assets, and others are all types of things you can use for your retirement accounts, if it is done properly. Come to the event and find out how.
After that we will be looking at an event to round out what is already becoming a hot topic of the year: Auctions, Foreclosures and Bears OH MY! Everyone is talking about this, so look to our website to see more information on this up coming topic which is sure to be on everyone's business plan for this year.
As always, we welcome your thoughts, concerns, love letters and winning lottery tickets. Give me a call anytime: (603) 668-7000 x 212.
Chris Norwood is president New England CCIM and NAI Norwood Group, Bedford, N.H.


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