ReJournal is helping comm'l. R.E. organizations help us

June 10, 2009 - Front Section's organizations page

Ivan Peevski

It is no secret we are very interested in helping organizations within the commercial real estate industry. We understand that their sole purpose is to help professionals in the commercial real estate industry do their job better and communicate with each other.
With that in mind, we are constantly trying to make information about organizations easier to use and attain. Our latest improvement is to include the contact details and leadership positions about the main organizations on our organizations page. We intend to keep that information updated so our users can easily find how to contact their relevant organizations. Thus the organization pages on rejournal become not only a premier source of news about them but also a comprehensive contact directory. Together with our event listings, we really do try to cover all angles to support real estate professionals in addition to their day to day operations.
To get to our organizational listings, select "Services" from the main menu and then "Organizations" from the menu that comes under that. Once you are on that page, you will see a list come up. When you click on some listings, it will send you to their home page, but for most of them we have created a special page that lists their key points, address and phone number, leadership position and picture of the appointed leader. Under that information block, as always you can find articles about the organization from the New England Real Estate Journal.
Ivan Peevski is the CTO of the New England Real Estate Journal, Norwell, Mass.


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