Repetition works!

January 31, 2008 - Front Section

Roland Hopkins

I try to write original stuff, but on occasion I find something that in my opinion is worth borrowing. John Foust ([email protected]) makes his living penning monthly messages, selling them to publications all over the country. Here's a few pointers from his latest that I am sure you know, but maybe don't spend enough time practicing. Internationally famous companies, especially public ones, have to brand their names into the public's minds. How do they do it? Repetition! Elizabeth Arden, the marketing legend who built a cosmetic empire once said,

"Repetition makes reputation and reputation makes customers." Repetition works on a regional level also. There are companies in your area who have built their businesses on the REPETITION EQUALS FAMILIARITY EQUALS SALES model. I constantly use the the example of when you look in a brook and notice a stone that has worn away, which drop of water was responsible? ALL OF THEM is the answer. I call that the repetition of Mother Nature. If you think about it, the best way you ever learned anything was through repetition. Your school lessons, how to hit a golf or tennis ball, the words to a song, and your currant job. So what is the crux of this message? Your New Year's Resolution for 2008 should definitely be to make sure your name appears in the Real Estate Journal at least twice a month, and every day on I guarantee you can afford it and the repetition will pay off within a few months much more than ten-fold.


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