Reviewing emergency processes and procedures

September 19, 2013 - Connecticut

Debbie Korf, Cartus

September is always a time of transition and remembrance for everyone in the country. In the real estate business it is the beginning of the fall/winter season which is always challenging with the ever changing weather and repairs/maintenance requirements to prepare for the upcoming winter season. We are also constantly thinking of the security/safety of our property and tenants during September as it is National Preparedness Month. During this month we always review our emergency processes and procedures and are reminded that no matter how diligent we are you can never prepare for every possible event.
As property managers or owners we need to remember that an event can happen at any time and while there may be requests for budgetary reductions, ensuring the safety and security of our tenants should always be foremost in our minds. Having a consistent security program with personnel that are well versed in the emergency procedures for your properties is the best defense for any situation.
September also marks a time when our real estate strategies need to change and the way we present our properties needs to be re-evaluated since the "curb appeal" will change drastically and quickly with the weather. Having an exterior landscaping program which addresses the every changing climate in the northeast will be imperative to keep your property looking good during this time.
For Southern Connecticut BOMA it is also a time for us to prepare for our premiere event the TOBY (The Office Building of Year) awards. Having your property win a TOBY award means your property truly demonstrates the best practices of building management. There is considerable work to submit your property as a TOBY winner and takes the entire team to ensure the property has all necessary components to be considered the best of the best and receive a TOBY. Each year I am always amazed when I visit properties of the dedication that everyone from the building manager to each service provider has at that property. They consider the property an extension of their home and having tenants and visitors feel welcome, have a comfortable environment to come to and to provide the best service whether it be security, cleaning or maintenance all personnel at these facilities truly exhibit dedication to the one vision. Our event this year will be held on October 3rd at The Water's Edge at Giovanni's II in Darien, and as always it will showcase the winners in an environment that they deserve. It is a very prestigious award and we are looking forward to one or more of our winners to submit their documentation to the next level of TOBY's which is the Middle Atlantic Region.
As we look forward to the upcoming fall and winter season let's keep in mind all the personnel that work each day in the real estate business that keep people comfortable and safe in order to allow others to achieve their goals and reach their dreams of the future.

Debbie Korf, president of Southern Connecticut BOMA, is with Cartus, Danbury, Conn.


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