RIBA makes a big investment in education

January 09, 2014 - Rhode Island

Paul Eno, New River Press

"RIBA is putting all available cash back into member services, and we will be able to do this as long as our members recruit others and help grow the association." That's the word from RIBA executive director John Marcantonio.
"This education program will allow RIBA members and their employees to obtain free classes in industry-related subjects."
The program will encompass OSHA 10-Hour Certification, lead safety, licensing courses, classes on the codes, marketing, law, QuickBooks, and anything else the association can put together to help members improve their businesses, according to Marcantonio.
In certain courses, there may be a charge for books or other materials. The free program does not include professional designations from the National Association of Home Builders, such as Certified Graduate Remodeler (CGR), Certified Green Professional (CGR), Graduate Master Remodeler (GMR) and others whose tuition is set nationally.
"In the future, the education members are going to need to be contractors and to maintain that status will be provided to members free by RIBA," Marcantonio said.
"We plan to be the biggest educational value for our industry in Rhode Island. This education program should more than meet that expectation."
He emphasized that the free tuitions will be available to members and their employees, not subcontractors who are working for members but are not members themselves. Employment with a member will have to be verified. He also stressed that participants should register for the classes early, as this program is expected to be very popular.
"We can offer this program to members because RIBA is putting all possible financial resources back into membership services. But to keep programs like this available, we ask our members to help the association grow by encouraging their colleagues to join," Marcantonio said.
Paul Eno is the owner and editor-in-chief of New River Press, Woonsocket and is the editor of the monthly RIBA newsletter, The Rhode Island Builder Report.


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