Richard Hitt: New options for CPM candidates to fast track the CPM designation

February 09, 2012 - Rhode Island

Richard Hitt, Phoenix Property Management

We all know that the challenges in today's job market—from industry consolidation and increased competition to being expected to do more with less—make it harder to prove experience and credibility. The CPM designation can demonstrate expertise and integrity to those who matter most—employers, owners and investors. Consider these:
* CPM Members are recognized as experts in real estate management, and they are at the top of the profession.
* 70% of those who hold the CPM designation hold the highest management positions (owner/partner or officer/director) than those without the designation.
Effective January 1, 2012, there is a new option for real estate managers seeking to earn the CPM designation - the fast track for professional real estate management experience. This new fast track recognizes the expertise and experience of executives who have been in the industry for at least 20 years. With 240 months of qualifying real estate management experience, CPM Candidates can fast track the CPM designation by using their experience to fulfill the CPM education requirement.
You may be eligible for the professional experience fast track if you meet all of the following:
* Have been in real estate management industry managing property for 20 years (240 months)
* For every month experience, your portfolio met the minimum size requirements established by IREM
* For every month in which you managed the minimum portfolio, you must have performed at least 19 of the 36 functions required as established by IREM.
An informational sheet has been developed for individuals who are not yet CPM Candidates and believe they might qualify under this new fast track option. If you are a current CPM Candidate and would like to fast track the education requirement, please contact IREM Membership Admissions at 800-837-0706 ext. 4650.
The IREM Greater Rhode Island Chapter No. 88 diligently pursues the mission to promote professional integrity with education and training. Currently there are twenty-eight candidates in Rhode Island committed to achieving the CPM designation. Through their hard work and dedication, they will add to the honor of the industry and their own value as reputable and committed real estate professionals. A CPM has what it takes . . . experience, education, ethics and a commitment to lifelong learning. To move forward in your professional life as a Certified Property Manager, contact IREM National at, or our local chapter at [email protected].
Richard Hitt, CPM, is a senior property manager with Phoenix Property Management Inc., Warwick and is the president of IREM-Greater R.I. Chapter No. 88, Providence.



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