Name: Richard Webb
Title: Director, Site Design Services
Company: SMRT- Architects and Engineers
Location: Andover, MA, Portland, ME, Albany NY, Keene NH, Alexandria, VA
Place of birth: Richmond, VA
College: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Family: Wife Leigh; three lovely children- Ashley, Andrew, and Christopher; and one black lab - Bradie
First job unrelated to your current field: Bagging groceries at Fitzgerald's Food Store
First job in current field: Landscape architect- summer intern
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? As a full service architecture and engineering firm, we help clients in healthcare; controlled environments and manufacturing; private / higher education; government and corporate develop facilities supporting their mission. SMRT's site design services group provides master planning, landscape architecture, civil engineering, regulatory permitting services and presentation services. SMRT's site design services will continue growing our athletic venue design practice.
Hobbies: Sailing, skiing, skating, woodworking
Favorite film: Star Wars
Favorite novel: Sum of all Fears by Tom Clancy
Keys to success: Listening and understanding. Approaching every project as the most important one, no matter the size.
Person you most admire (outside of family): my first little league coach, Elmer Vincent
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Blues Guitarist