Robert Baldwin - RIBA president's message: Thank you Roger Warren for your many years of service

May 12, 2011 - Rhode Island

Robert Baldwin, R.B. Homes, Inc.

In many ways, he has become the face of the residential construction industry in Rhode Island. Through boom times and lean times, he has been our spokesman, has represented us at the State House, has guided the day-to-day affairs of the Rhode Island Builders Association, has met our challenges head-on, and has led our outstanding staff.
Roger Warren came to RIBA as executive director in 1997, stepping in for Ross Dagata, who had guided the association's day-to-day affairs for the previous 43 years. Now Roger, approaching 65 years of age, has announced retirement plans of his own.
On behalf of all of us, I want to assure Roger of our lasting gratitude and respect. Since the day he joined us, he has been a true gentleman, a consummate professional and a worthy representative of our association. I also want to assure the RIBA membership that great care is being taken to provide a seamless "changing of the guard," a smooth transition.
As plans stand, Roger will end his full-time executive director duties on or about June 30th. We have formed a Search Committee, engaged an executive search firm, and hope to have Roger's successor ready to go by that date. If for some reason a suitable successor has not been found by then, Roger is prepared to continue in the executive director position temporarily.
Once a successor is in place, Roger will stay on in a part-time post to work on special projects for the Executive Committee for one more year. This will include the primary and all-important task of making RIBA the clearinghouse for the continuing education credits now required, but not yet instituted or enforced, by the Rhode Island Contractors' Registration and Licensing Board.
Roger's part-time presence will give us the chance to accomplish this and perhaps other projects. It also will allow Roger to assist the new executive director should that be required.
We have been working hard to meet the many challenges that face RIBA at this time of economic crisis. From our expanding educational programs to the new BuilderFusion online interactive system, we are making strides into the future.
We are very glad that Roger Warren will be with us, even in a part-time capacity, as we move forward. In the meantime, we thank him for his exemplary service over the past 14 years!
Robert Baldwin is president of R.B. Homes, Inc., Lincoln and is president of Rhode Island Builders Assn.


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