Robert Baldwin, RIBA resident's message: Be part of the better times with Rhode Island Builders Association

October 13, 2011 - Rhode Island

Robert Baldwin, R.B. Homes, Inc.

This has truly been a historic month for the Rhode Island Builders Association. With its approval by our board of directors on September 6th, our association's first all-inclusive business plan is now in effect.
Work on the plan started with executive committee review and formulation in the spring, followed by committee chair meetings and input during the summer, finally culminating with the quick work and marketing expertise of our new executive director, John Marcantonio. The 11-point document focuses on making RIBA membership of even greater benefit. If we all work together with this plan as our guide, our association and our businesses will be squarely in the public eye. Members will see vividly why they are and should remain members, and potential members will see what they have been missing in a very proactive RIBA.
With our new outreaches, including a new website geared toward the public, RIBA will be in the media as the gold standard of contractor professionalism. There will be more and better marketing opportunities for all members through the association, and efforts will be made to make all members feel a part of the RIBA family.
There will be new and ongoing contacts with local officials, boards, lawmakers and regulators as well. When necessary to help the state's economy and our industry, RIBA will take an unabashed, "in your face" approach to land-use restrictions, anti-growth policies and legislation that harms the industry and therefore the economy.
Other aspects of the business plan will renew and grow our annual Home Show, expand RIBA's educational programs, and increase the number of insurance products that we endorse to members.
I've said this many times and I'll say it many more times: For this plan to be fully effective, all our members must get involved! We can have the greatest administration, board, committees, staff and business plan in the world, but to accomplish anything beyond what's written on paper, they all must have your personal support!
It's no good saying: "I've paid my dues. Let RIBA's leaders do the work for me!"
What RIBA does is provide the organization and tools for members to help themselves and each other. Now there will be more tools and more tasks, and we need all of you involved. By getting involved, you will be helping your own business, and you need to use every opportunity to do that!
You'll be seeing plenty of action and energy coming out of RIBA headquarters! Watch for information, use the tools we will give you to organize with other members and contact your local legislators. Come to RIBA headquarters to meet John Marcantonio and the staff, to take full advantage of our educational opportunities, or to join a committee. Get to know other members as we expand our social network and sponsor more social events.
The slump is ending and better times are straight ahead! Be part of it through RIBA!

Robert Baldwin is president of R.B. Homes, Inc., Lincoln and is president of RIBA.


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