Robert Hannon 2013

March 15, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering

Robert Hannon, SMRT - Architects and Engineers

Name: Robert Hannon, AIA
Title: Senior Architect
Company: SMRT - Architects and Engineers
Location: Andover, MA
Place of birth: Massachusetts
Family: Wife Krista and our two cats, Oliver and Teddy
College: Wentworth Institute of Technology
First job unrelated to your current field: Grocery clerk, Purity Supreme, Bedford, MA (14 yrs old)
First job in current field: Summer intern, Whitney Atwood Norcross Associates
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? SMRT designs and engineers buildings for healthcare, science/technology/industry, justice, higher education, government and corporate clients. Complex renovations and buildings, many requiring 24/7 operations, are a specialty. Draper Lab, Lahey Clinic, GE Healthcare, NAVFAC, GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Artel, Grafton County Jail are examples. SMRT will continue pioneering delivery methods that benefit our clients - the 640,000 sf Maine General Medical Center, is under construction utilizing Integrated Project Delivery.
Hobbies: Ice Hockey
Keys to success: Collaborative team approach to design. Inspire coworkers, peers, and clients.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Sir Isaac Newton. Can you imagine how difficult life would be without the discovery of gravity?
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Photographer


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