Roberts - Chairman's message: Merit shoppers support senator Brown

June 16, 2011 - Construction Design & Engineering

Mark Roberts, LEED AP, A&M Construction Co.

I wanted to remind you of the opportunity we have been given by the voters of Massachusetts. For the first time in over 30 years we, merit shop construction companies, have a voice in Congress. We have been shut out far too long and we must continue to support United States senator Scott Brown.
Upon senator Brown's election many of the policies that were being proposed that would exclude our businesses were put to a halt. Senator Brown believes in a free enterprise system and government should let business continue to grow the economy.
This is senator Brown's message regarding jobs, "We should enact policies that reduce taxes and cut government bureaucracy in order to create real, private sector jobs so that America's entrepreneurs and businesses can put our citizens back to work. I will continue to advocate for pro-growth policies, working to lower taxes and put more money in the pockets of Americans. Our economy functions best when individuals have more of their income to spend, and businesses have incentives to invest in new projects and initiatives and create jobs."
This is the message we need to embrace as it is in direct contrast to our other Congressional delegation and the current administration in Washington. Take some time to follow these links that detail Senator Brown's position on key issues:
Also for his legislative initiatives':
We cannot be complacent and hope that he is re-elected we must be vigilant in our support. We have been marginalized for far too long.
Mark Roberts, LEED AP is the 2011 chairman of the ABC-Mass. Chapter, Burlington and is president of A&M Construction Co., Inc., Wakefield, Mass.


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