Roger Durkin 2010

May 12, 2010 - Financial Digest

Roger Durkin, Appraiser/Attorney, Durkin Valuation Consultants

Name: Roger Durkin, ASA
Title: Appraiser/Attoreny
Company: Durkin Valuation Consultants
Location: 234 Lewis Wharf, Boston, Mass. 02110
Birthplace and year: Lowell, Mass. - 1940
Family: "Boss" Nancy, four children and eleven grandchildren
College: Merrimack College - BA Sociology; Lindenwood College - Masters of Science; Mass School of Law - JD
First job outside of appraisal: Stockbroker - Security planners in Boston.
First job in appraisal or allied field: Valuation appraisal for Synercap
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We provide litigation related appraisals and appraisal of government property seized. Also we perform environmental valuation on the diminution of property (ie oil spills). I teach USPAP for ASA and international groups. I also perform narrative report writing and testifying as an expert witness.
Hobbies: Write and shoot pistols
Favorite book: Anything by Robert Ludlum
Key to success: Positive attitude and persistence
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Endocrinology Psychiatry


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