Rosenbaum: Keynote speaker for BuildingEnergy 2009

January 22, 2009 - Construction Design & Engineering

Marc Rosenbaum

Marc Rosenbaum, PE, LEED AP, founder of Energysmiths, has been chosen as the keynote speaker for the NESEA 34th annual Building Energy Conference and Trade Show, March 10th-12th at Boston's Seaport World Trade Center.
BuildingEnergy09 is expected to draw over 4,500 participants. BuildingEnergy09 features in-depth workshops, sessions, an expanded Trade Show, a free public forum, a plenary session, an award-winning documentary film, and much more.
Rosenbaum will present Deep Energy Retrofits - Less (Energy) is More (Better) at the plenary session on March 11th. For over a quarter century, Rosenbaum has been designing energy efficient buildings, sharing his work experience at numerous workshops and conferences, and consulting with organizations to build consensus to reach their environmental goals.
Rosenbaum will discuss the global trends of constrained fossil fuel supplies, climate change, and a failed banking system, all of which suggest that a significant reduction in the construction rate of new buildings may occur. Deep energy retrofits of homes, schools, and other essential buildings will also be presented. Rosenbaum said, "We'll look at examples of this emerging set of practices and discuss the implications for setting policy and creating meaningful, productive work opportunities."
"This year's Conference Committee and I are very pleased to welcome Marc Rosenbaum as the keynote speaker of BuildingEnergy09," said Luke Falk, the conference chair. "Rosenbaum's 29 years of experience in energy efficient building design is a classic example of what NESEA's Building Energy Conference represents: experts in the field providing proven and profitable solutions to energy waste in commercial and residential buildings."
"Real Solutions, Real Experts" the theme of the NESEA Building Energy Conference and Trade Show, will bring together nearly 200 of the country's best presenters to define the leading edge of smart building, energy efficiency and renewable energy through examples of the best sustainable buildings and the real stories behind the design, construction, and post-occupancy results.
A variety of full-day and half-day workshops on March 10th are designed to offer in-depth training for professionals at every level of experience. Examples of the full-day workshops include:
*Greening an Existing Facility presented by Terry Brennan and F.L. Andrew Padian
*Deep Energy Retrofits presented by Marc Rosenbaum, PE, LEED AP
*Toward Zero Energy & Beyond: Wind and Solar-Powered Buildings presented by Steven Strong
Tuesday evening's public forum, "Do LEED Certified Buildings Really Use More Energy Than Regular Buildings?" will feature Henry Gifford and other national leaders in the field of energy efficiency. They will debate how effective the LEEDrating system has been in promoting the development of energy efficient buildings and discuss the future direction of green building programs and policy in the northeast.
Sixty-three sessions will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, March 11th and 12th. Examples of the sessions offered include:
*Relevant, Ready, Responsive and Reliable Air Barriers: The Army Corps' Tough New Specifications presented by Wagdy Anis, AIA
*Are You Ecoliterate? presented by Kevin Stack
*Walking the Walk: Deep Energy Retrofits for the Real World presented by Marc Rosenbaum, PE, LEEDAP; Paul Eldrenkamp
*Sustainable Historic Rehabs presented by Jeffrey Manley; Tom Davies; Jean Caroon, FAIA, LEED
*Less is More, More or Less: Resource Efficient Buildings presented by Bill Zoeller
*Building America, Closing in on Net Zero presented by Betsy Pettit, AIA, Duncan F. Prahl, RA, AIA

A growing trade show will feature over 180 exhibitors with sustainable and energy efficient products and services, the trade show reception will offer networking opportunities, and NESEA night will celebrate the conference with members providing the entertainment at "Myth Making, Myth Busting and Building Bloopers." This is an opportunity for participants to present new myths or how to break old ones. The evening will end with a fun presentation by building energy experts who will show slides of notorious building mistakes and hilarious stories from their years in the building and energy industry trenches.
The Mass. Technology Collaborative returns as the Title Sponsor of this year's BuildingEnergy09 while N.Y. State Energy Research and Development Authority returns as a Platinum level sponsor. Additional sponsors include: BuildingGreen, Cape Light Compact, Connecticut Clean Energy Fund, Efficiency Maine, Integrity Windows and Doors, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, National Grid, NSTAR Electric and Gas.
Media Partners include: Alternative Energy Retailer, ASHRAE Journal, Banker & Tradesman, CSRwire, E-The Environmental Magazine, eco-structure, Environmental Design + Construction, Green Builder, Green Living Journal, High Performing Buildings, High-Profile Monthly, Home Energy, Indoor Environment Connections,, New England Home, New England Real Estate Journal, New Jersey & Co., New York House, Smart HomeOwner, Solar Industry, and Sustainable Facility.
The Northeast Sustainable Energy Association (NESEA) advances the practical application and adoption of sustainable and low-carbon energy practices in the Northeast United States. NESEA accomplishes this through a number of ongoing programs and annual events including: the Building Energy conference and trade show, professional education workshops, K-12 Education programs, the Green Buildings Open House Tour, and the Sustainable Green Pages.
For more information about BuildingEnergy09 - "Real Solutions, Real Experts," please visit


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