S.E.A. Consultants earns LEED certification for MIT complex

January 31, 2008 - Owners Developers & Managers

MIT Complex - Cambridge, MA

According to S.E.A Consultants, Inc., its site/civil design of the Mass. Institute of Technology's brain and cognitive sciences complex has earned Silver Status in Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. LEED certification is an international standard recognizing innovation in the design of sustainable and resource-efficient buildings. The brain and cognitive sciences complex earned the honor after undergoing a lengthy and rigorous process. S.E.A Consultants was the site/civil engineering team of record on a larger team that also included lead designer Charles Correa, Goody, Clancy and Associates; Carol Johnson Associates; Martha Schwartz, Inc.; BR+A Consulting Engineers; and LeMessurier Consultants.
"We are pleased that MIT's Brain and Cognitive Sciences Complex has been recognized with LEED certification," said Anthony Zuena, P.E., president and CEO of S.E.A Consultants. "It is vitally important to promote sustainability when designing new buildings or renovating older structures. S.E. A Consultants is committed to creating buildings that have minimal environmental impact and promote water and energy efficiency."
In awarding LEED certification to the project, the judges recognized the building's exceptional energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, and innovative stormwater technologies. The design team was also praised for its use of recycled materials, reduction of construction waste, and implementation of ozone protecting technologies.
"Sustainability is an essential element of our creative design work, and it benefits everyone," said Zuena. "Of course, when we use recycled materials, cut energy use and emissions, and treat stormwater as a resource rather than a liability, we help the environment. But building owners also benefit financially from reduced energy and operational costs. Sustainable design truly does present a win win situation."
The U.S. Green Building Council is a national non-profit organization that promotes the development of more sustainable buildings. The Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Rating System has been adopted world-wide to measure and recognize sustainability in design.


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