North Andover, MA Stephen Sakakeeny, principal at SAK Environmental, LLC has been approved as a board member to the Essex County Habitat for Humanity (ECHfH) board of directors. SAK’s relationship with ECHfH started in 2014 at a condominium development in Lawrence, Mass. Since that time, SAK has been providing pro bono services to the organization. Sakakeeny joined ECHfH’s site acquisition committee in 2021 which led to a position on the board of directors.
“Affordable housing development has the same challenges as any other real estate development project,” said Sakakeeny, “That is, finding suitable property, funding, managing risk, and delivering quality construction. I am fortunate that my experience from my day-job at SAK Environmental where I provide environmental risk management in real estate development can help ECHfH further its mission in affordable housing construction.”
About Essex County Habitat for Humanity (www.essexcountyhabitat.org)- ECHfH’s work provides the opportunity for affordable homeownership to deserving individuals and families. Ownership builds equity, wealth, and stability. ECHfH is based in Danvers, MA and covers the 34 communities in Essex County, Massachusetts with programs in homeownership construction and critical (existing) home repair. Visit our website to see how you can help.
About SAK Environmental LLC (www.sakenvironmental.com) – SAK Environmental is a privately owned environmental consulting business founded in 2003 and based in North Andover, Massachusetts. We specialize in pollution assessment and remediation, sustainable development, environmental support during construction, and environmental permitting and compliance. Our approach is to deliver technically sound advice and practical solutions enabling our clients to proceed with their initiatives with confidence and peace of mind. We strive to promote sustainable development and environmentally compatible business practices to allow business, industry, and communities to thrive.