Schochet Associates, Inc. and Federal Management Co., Inc. awarded Accredited Management Organization of the Year by IREM

January 03, 2013 - Owners Developers & Managers
Schochet Associates, Inc. and Federal Management Co., Inc. were recently awarded Accredited Management Organization (AMO) of the Year by Boston Metropolitan Chapter #4 of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). As an AMO, Schochet belongs to a group of real estate management firms that have demonstrated the highest standards of professionalism, financial performance, and ethics. The AMO of the Year award recognizes active support by Schochet of IREM's mission promoting professional real estate management. This has been demonstrated by Schochet's encouragement of staff to obtain the Certified Property Manager (CPM) and Accredited Residential Manager (ARM) designations, its integration of IREM's professional education programs and courses into its staff training programs, and the service of Schochet staff and leadership to the property management industry and the community at large.
"It really feels great to have our peers recognize our commitment to professional development and education in the real estate management business" said Richard Henken, president of the Schochet Cos. "Particularly for the members of our team who are CPMs and ARMs, being named the AMO of the Year brings us tremendous pride."
The Schochet Cos. also received three additional awards. Two of its affordable housing communities were recognized in IREM's annual landscaping contest where Schochet's Fresh Pond Apartments in Cambridge received first place honors in the Suburban division and its St. Botolph St. Apartments in Boston received second place honors in the Urban division.
"It is particularly gratifying that we were able to demonstrate that affordable housing communities can be as attractively landscaped as market rate developments," said David Flad, Schochet's COO.
Along with the landscaping prize, Kevin Sullivan, Schochet's senior property manager for Fresh Pond Apartments, was awarded the Certified Property Management Candidate of the Year Award for his involvement with the Boston IREM chapter.
Awards were presented at the Boston IREM Annual Life Time Achievement Awards Dinner honoring Harold Brown, chairman and CEO of The Hamilton Co., Inc., which was held at the Seaport Boston Hotel.


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