Sean O'Leary 2011

June 02, 2011 - Connecticut

Sean O'Leary, GreenUp Energy Solutions, LLC

Name: Sean O'Leary
Title: Founder & Owner
Company: GreenUp Energy Solutions, LLC
Location: Canton, Conn.
Birthplace: California Birth Date: October 17
Family: Wife and two children
College: Western New England College (WNEC) School of Law
First job outside of real estate: Private law practice
First job in real estate or allied field: Professional energy consultant at GreenUp
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future: As founder and owner of GreenUp, my mission is to provide energy solutions that improve conservation, efficiency, performance and the customer's bottom line. Now and in the future, my plan is to maximize the value of my services by focusing on businesses and multifamily properties.
Hobbies: Reading, gardening, fitness
Favorite movie: Documentaries - recently watched "Food, Inc."
Keys to success: Honesty and perseverance


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