Appraisal & Consulting

News from the Mass. Board of Real Estate Appraisers

News for Appraisers: *MBREA continues to serve the real property valuation professionals of New England by providing news, information and ...

What does John Lennon have in common with appraising?

his song "Imagine," provides a classic example of the hypothetical condition, a concept important when completing the appraisal process. It ...

The blame game: Appraisers blamed for housing market

It hit on August 18th. Now known as "The Article" in appraisal organization circles, the AP piece written by Mitch Weiss was the first arti...

Industry wake up call: Small restructure could lighten crisis

The real estate services business in the U.S. has existed for approximately 130 years. During this time frame, the business has restructured...

New England CRE holds event in Boston - Sept. 8th

The New England Chapter of CRE held a members-only lunch event at noon on Monday, September 8th with CRE John Leary at Hunneman Commercial's...

The last half of 2008: Variously forecasted and reforecast

The last half of 2008 has been variously forecasted and reforecast. The upward revision to 3.3% of the gross domestic product (GDP) from 1....

A philosophical look at the appraisal industry

As I plod through 2008 in my role as a real estate appraiser and businessperson, I am reminded of the phrase I heard during my college days ...

The market is the greatest ever to buy or sell real estate!

For all of you out there moaning about how bad the real estate market is - stop being such a pessimist. The glass is not half empty. It is m...

What different factors do appraisers use to determine current market analysis?

According to the Standard & Poor's/Case-Shiller 20-city index of home prices there was a drop of 15.8% in May compared to a year ago. This ...

Economic trends of weakness in all markets

National trends in employment, spending and production have weakened during 2008. Marginal gains in productivity support marginal economic g...