
Architects and engineers are rejuvenating retail centers and the environment

We have been working in retail development long enough to understand two important facts: First, the typical boom and bust cycle of the econ...

Northeast retail defeasance activity jumps 300% as the economy continues to improve

As the economy continues to improve in the current low interest rate environment it is generating greater lending activity in the commercial...

New IRS regulations on capitalization of real estate expenditures

In September 2013 after approximately 10 years of proposed and temporary regulations, the IRS issued final regulations on what taxpayer expe...

January forecast in landscape architecture: Skating on thin ice in 2014

Here in New England, skating on pond ice is a traditional past time that is enjoyed by all. However, the temperature and conditions are crit...

Relief, not a cure: IRS provides help for partnerships allocating historic rehabilitation tax credits

The Internal Revenue Service issued Revenue Procedure 2004-12 to provide partnerships and partners more predictability about allocating hist...

Northern New England retail real estate forecast for 2014

With the holiday shopping season behind us, it's time to look ahead to what 2014 has in store for retail real estate in Northern New England...

Permit expirations: Make note of the time allowances or face costs in the future

Initially, local zoning ordinances need to be reviewed to determine if the use is permitted and if dimensional regulations can be met. If no...

Let's reinvent downtown: Adding new retailers to help the rebirth of Downtown Crossing

Downtowns, like shopping malls, are being reinvented and succeeding. The trend in shopping malls is to turn them inside out, cut the place ...

Linear Retail acquires 6th Nashua property - 5,692 s/f

Linear Retail Properties, LLC, completed its 6th purchase in Nashua, at 304 Daniel Webster Highway. The 5,692 s/f freestanding, single-tenan...

CT Commercial Realty & Select Homes leases space for relocation

5/A Baker Products Inc., the maker of products using the Black and Tan Tartan Baker fabric, has relocated its business from Newtown and Oxfo...