
Why are developers rushing to get projects done and to market? Competition? Cost? Demand? - by David O'Sullivan

As we approach the fall season in the design and construction industry, we see contractors and developers worrying about the winter weather to come. At this time of year we see a rush to get projects in the ground before the cold.

Preserving assets through non-liquidating court-supervised proceedings - by John Dorsey

Court-supervised receivership and special mastership proceedings are designed to seek the Court’s intervention to exercise its powers over assets in order to preserve and protect the value of those assets for the benefit of stakeholders.

A condominium lawyer walks up to a trailer... Chapter 183A, the Mass. condominium statute by Saul Feldman and Angel Mozina

In this article, we want to clarify that in Massachusetts, phases in a condominium cannot be created on vacant land. A condominium in Massachusetts can be created in phases with trailers on each phase. We find it difficult to believe that little, if anything, has been written about this important subject.

Tenant retention, tenant turnover, and the importance of personal rapport - by Martin Reisner

The Auburn Industrial Development Corp. (AIDC) is a 50 year old, family owned and operated real estate development company that owns and leases 500,000 s/f of industrial and commercial property throughout the Greater Auburn, Mass. area. 

As the end of the year draws near, plenty of capital remains available for commercial mortgages - by Michael Chase

2017 started off with plenty of uncertainty. There were concerns over the unknown impact of the new administration, potential for tax reforms, the introduction or rollback of regulations, as well as whether commercial real estate markets had peaked. These issues, among others, left many investors on the sidelines at the start of the year. 

We are seeing retailers willing to take larger space to offset development risk and control costs - by William Greene

In today’s retail world, things are not the same. There is a huge shadow hanging across the market brought on by the explosion of online retailing and what it is doing to “bricks and mortar” retailers.

Southern New Hampshire retail market: Lots of new activity and my forecast is an optimistic one - by Andrew Levy

After a beautiful spring and summer it is time to face the reality that  fall is here and winter won’t be too far off. 

Even with low vacancy and lack of supply we do not anticipate industrial spec building in our market - by George Paskalis

The Rhode Island industrial market has enjoyed robust activity and demand in 2017. Initially, most of the demand for industrial space came from the marijuana cultivation sector. Activity from this sector of the market has waned. Much of the industrial space between 10,000 s/f and 20,000 s/f was absorbed,

Q. Why are restaurants changing hands? A. Find staff B. Retain staff C. Competition D. All the above - by Dennis Serpone

Much like the stock market, for every seller of stock in a company there’s a buyer. The seller makes a calculated decision that his stock is either a loser or, if it’s profitable, it can’t possibly go any higher.  The buyer on the other hand sees that same stock as undervalued and definitely worth buying because he’s calculated that it ‘absolutely’ is going to continue to go up.

The Rhode Island real estate market has been very active both on a local and national level - by Thomas Sweeney

Winter is coming! Temperatures are dropping, Lardaro’s Current Conditions Index beat its year-earlier value for the seventh consecutive time this year and cranes are active in the sky, all seems well in the Ocean State. The real estate market has been very active both on a local and national scale