
Data backup and recovery for title agents - Traps for the unwary

Most title agents have backup procedures in place, or think they do, to protect against data corruption or loss. Often times, it's only when...

ALTA's Best Practices benefit consumers and industry professionals

We are excited to attend this year's New England Land Title Association annual convention. It is always a pleasure to discuss industry devel...

NELTA is your premier resource for education, information and networking

New England Land Title Association (NELTA) is one of the title industry's premier resources for education, information and networking. Organ...

Outgoing president of NELTA: Saying goodbye to serving president in interesting times

It's hard to believe a year has passed since I was sworn in as New England Land Title Association (NELTA) president at the 2012 Convention a...

1031 Exchanges benefit businesses by allowing them to stay profitable in competitive markets

A great many business transactions entail solely personal property transfers or have a personal property component attached. "Personal prope...

Investment dollars and expanding companies are putting R.I. in the mix with the bigger markets

As we hit mid-2013, Rhode Island has turned the corner as far as commercial real estate activity and transactions are concerned. Whether it ...

Mass. building owners/developers are beginning to see greater returns from solar installations

The rate of commercial solar installations in Massachusetts continues to accelerate, and the state's current solar program should be closed ...

Discharge tracking services as a best practices solution to the consumer for paid mortgage liens

Laws, regulations and contractual duties provide the mortgage servicer and title insurer with the minimum guidelines to comply with the mort...

Springing forward with optimism and new construction in office, retail and industrial markets

Chittenden County is buzzing with new construction as well as refinancing work. With interest rates at a record low, sales and refinancing i...

Multi-family properties in the Greater Boston area continue to be the hottest commodity

Multi-family properties in the Greater Boston area continue to be the hottest commodity in the real estate market today. Due to limited inve...