
Do not be taxed on the value of your business, pay taxes only on the value of the real estate

If you own or manage a hotel or medical facility, it is highly likely that you are being assessed for more than the value of your real estat...

2012 closed with improvements in occupancy and rental rates in retail, industrial and class A office

Heading into 2013, overall market strength in the past year in conjunction with positive economic indicators project continued growth into t...

Greater Boston multi-family properties still hottest commodity in the real estate market today

Due to limited inventory and all-time low interest rates there continues to be a pent-up demand by investors seeking to purchase multi-famil...

Restaurants as the bellweather of the new normal: Even if costs and prices rise, people will still eat out

If you haven't been in the bowels of the restaurant industry, if you aren't talking to owners consistently, if you're not in sync with the e...

Rhode Island commercial market is improving and has caught the eye of outside investors

Rhode Island seems to have caught the eye of outside investors, again. This potentially bodes well for the states commercial real estate mar...

Sustainability offers an opportunity for revenue growth and tenant retention

Unsteady for a variety of economic reasons, the commercial real estate market is also showing minimal commercial real estate development act...

Regional owners and local operators in general are optimistic about the upcoming year

As I was preparing my notes for this article, New England Hotel Forecast 2013, it occurred to me that it was not an enviable task. Here, I a...

It is important for corporate management to build strong relationship with their underwriters

As we gaze forward in an attempt to discern what type of marketplace 2013 will bring as it pertains to insurance costs we must first reflect...

Tremendous opportunities for tenants and plenty of willing buyers with capital for sellers

It's hard to condense an annual forecast for Maine in such a small article, but here I go. While at a Chamber event last night I was asked s...

This year will bring modest gains in all of New Englands commercial real estate sectors

All signs point to a continued recovery in the commercial real estate market in New England and specifically in the Massachusetts market. Mo...