
The Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program

Public Private Partnerships have been increasingly successful in meeting the extraordinary costs of real estate development, most specifical...

Is the counseling profession an art or skill?

A prospective client the other day asked me "What is a Counselor?" The counseling profession has been around for decades but many real estat...

Escaping air from residential bubble inflate a commercial?

Occasionally, I've written articles about real estate "bubbles" and my conclusion has been that they occur more frequently, and with greater...

Vermont Chapter of the Appraisal Institute

Vermont is a small state of only 625,741 people, according to the 2010 census figures. There are only 250 appraisers in the state and the Ve...

Making Affordable Housing work with Low Income Housing Tax Credits

The Appraisal Institutes Massachusetts Chapter held its third meeting of the year at the Federal Reserve Building in Boston on September 23r...

Averting the banking crisis number three

Banking crisis number 1. In the late 1980s and early 90s crisis cascaded through the banking profession complete with hundreds of failed ins...

Let's get realistic with respect to housing markets

Economic pessimism will get you nowhere. Clearly, there's not much to get excited about in local, regional, national, or international econo...

A lawsuit commercial appraisers might want to follow

Appraisers are facing an E&O insurance crisis - to be more precise, Australian appraisers, or "valuers" as they are called there, are facing...

Online continuing education: More compelling than ever

For over twenty years appraisers have been required to regularly complete continuing education to keep and renew their licenses. Continuing ...

The annual Appraisal Expo to be held October 24th in Norwood

Apropos of not too much, is it me or are big talented pitchers from Texas just not that bright? In any event now that we've had time to dige...