Select Development Corp. and Solect Energy install 28kW solar energy system

February 19, 2016 - Front Section
Solar array at 66 Union Street - Somerville, MA Solar array at 66 Union Street - Somerville, MA

Somerville, MA Select Development Corp., a real estate development and management company focusing on the renovation of existing structures in the Boston metropolitan area, has partnered with Solect Energy to install a 28 kilowatt (kW) solar energy system on the roof of its Union Square location at 66 Union St. The solar array is expected to cover up to 100% of the building’s annual electricity use in public and common areas.

As a company focused on renovating historical buildings for the modern age, Select Development was looking for ways to improve the sustainability of their properties, in order to help reduce their carbon footprint. The company decided on doing so with a solar energy installation.

“Solar is an excellent way of supporting the environment and reducing a property’s operating costs, especially in urban settings where wind or geothermal energy sources are not always practical,” said Don Warner, president and founder of Select Development. “With solar energy all you really need is a large unencumbered roof with direct sun exposure, not obstructed by taller buildings or trees.”

Select Development is projected to save $5,000 annually on its electricity bill, and is able to take advantage of state and federal tax and financial incentives, including SRECs (Solar Renewable Energy Certificates), which are financial incentives based on the amount of solar energy the system generates. Electrical utility providers in Massachusetts purchase SRECs to help them meet their state-mandated goals of a percentage of power coming from renewable energy sources.

In addition to their solar installation, Select Development has taken other measures to reduce their carbon footprint, including the installation of water-efficient plumbing fixtures, waterless urinals, and sustainable landscaping materials and methods. The company is evaluating solar opportunities for two of their existing properties, and plans on using solar energy sources in all new projects.

“By choosing solar, Select Development is not only promoting a culture of sustainability, they are investing in an energy source that will reduce operating costs for the next 25 years.” said Frank R. Goppel, BusinessDevelopment Manager at Solect. “It was exciting to help the company build its first solar array, and I look forward to seeing their future efforts towards sustainability.”

Solect is a full-service solar photovoltaic (PV) project developer and installer based in Hopkinton, Massachusetts, delivering smart solar and energy management solutions to help businesses and organizations reduce energy costs. As an industry leader in commercial-scale solar energy, Solect takes a practical approach to the development, installation and on-going support of each system. We partner closely with our customers, providing strong financial insight and solar technology expertise to optimize their investment while creating a positive impact on the environment. Solect currently has installed over 32 MW (megawatts) of commercial PV systems, with a primary focus on commercial, light industrial and institutional properties in New England. 



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