Salem, NH The former Salem Nissan dealership property located at 343 Main St. (Rte. 97), has been sold. The 8,500 s/f building located on 12.88 acres has been purchased by M & M Property, LLC. The former tenant of the building, Salem Nissan had relocated on Rte. 28.
The sale price according to the Registry of Deeds, was $1.25 million. The sale transaction was handled by Harry Shea of Shea Commercial Properties, Inc.
Also, the former Berge’s Real Estate building located at 22 South Broadway (Rte. 28), has been sold. The property was purchased by 5-9 Mill St., LLC and is scheduled for exterior and interior renovations. The building will be utilized for both retail-professional-business office use. The sale price according to the Registry of Deeds was $610,000. The transaction was also handled by Shea.
In addition, Shea represented the seller of the land where the new Salem Nissan Dealership located to 99 South Broadway (Rte. 28). The sale price according to the Registry of Deeds was $1.8 million.