Children’s Investment Fund; senator Mark Montigny; mayor Jonathan Mitchell; Gail Fortes, executive director,
YWCA Southeastern Mass.; Dr. Juli Parker, board president, YWCA Southeastern Mass.;
representative Antonio Cabral; Roger Herzog, executive director, Community Economic Development Assistance Corp.;
and Susan Terrey, assistant undersecretary, Mass. Department of Housing and Community Development
New Bedford, MA South Coast Improvement Co. (SCI) began work on a $3 million addition to the YWCA Southeastern Mass, located at 20 6th St. The addition will add 6,500 s/f which will be used for after-school child care and supportive women’s housing programs. The anticipated completion date is January 2019. Design was provided by Eric Chamberlin of Davis Square Architects.
“These are very exciting times on the waterfront in New Bedford,” said Tom Quinlan, president of South Coast Improvement Co.