Steve Sadler 2009

September 02, 2009 - Owners Developers & Managers

Steve Sadler President Performance Environmental Services

Name: Steve Sadler
Title: President
Company: Performance Environmental Services, LLC
Location: New Haven, CT , So. Windsor, CT and E.Providence ,RI
Place of Birth and Year: Philadelphia, PA 1957
Family: Wife, Elyse, daughters, Holly 35, Laura, 33, sons, Ben 23, Miles 21 and Hunter 19
First Job Unrelated to your current field: Vocational Instructor, State of Conn. Department of Mental Retardation
First Job in current field: 1978 Part time working supervisor for Premier Maintenance
What Your Firm Does Now and Its Plans for the Future: Providing a full scope of contracted custodial services, including consultation on green clean methods and practices. Providing our services throughout N.E. Our plans for future include continued expansion with emphasis on the Boston market and together with our MBE partner, GoTo Services, LLC.
Hobbies: Golf fanatic, exercise, wine lover
Keys to Success: Hard work, patience and persistance
Person(s) You Most Admire (outside of family): Stephen Ahern Sr.
If You Had To Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be: Merchant Marine


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