Sullivan Construction Inc. is synonymous with sustainable construction

March 03, 2010 - Northern New England
Team Sullivan is taking the lead in educating its community, its clients and its prospective clients regarding the benefits of sustainable construction. From inception to completion, Sullivan engages the owner in dialogue regarding the efficiencies of implementing value managed engineered solutions to energy related details in the plans.

Sullivan speaks from experience; we achieved a 30% reduction in energy costs in our own renovated commercial offices in 2009 and enjoy a 1.9 year payback on the incremental cost to install our Dakin HVAC system and lighting technologies. Not only do we achieve the savings annually, but we allow our employees the ability to regulate the heat/air conditioning in their individual offices with one control per two employees. Our water usage is down 50% and we are recycling all of our office waste. Our cleaning company is green. We pay a little more for the cleaning service but do so with the knowledge that our 6,000 SF office has a positive impact on our environment.

We invite you to contact us for a discussion about your project. We thank our clients for rewarding us with an 80% repeat business history and look forward to having you become a satisfied client of Sullivan Construction, Inc.


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