Team RIBA's Women's Council raises $4,350 for breast cancer campaign

December 09, 2009 - Rhode Island
So far, the Team RIBA Women's Council has raised $4,350 in donations for the American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer campaign this year. Some $1,500 of that was raised at the Pink Brunch on October 18th.
That's the report from Cheryl Boyd of Arnold Lumber Co., president of the Rhode Island Builders Association's Women's Council, which makes the campaign an annual event.
The annual four-mile Making Strides walk took place at Roger Williams Park on October 25th. Some 15 women represented the RIBA group.
"We all know someone affected by breast cancer. I wanted to do whatever I could to help find a cure," said Women's Council member Tracey Boyajian, who participated in the walk.
Boyd said the fund-raising effort isn't over. "We are still accepting donations either online or by check," she said.
Donations may be made through the Women's Council page at (look for the group of photos and click on the top one) or mail a check to Cheryl Boyd, Arnold Lumber Co., P.O. Box 217, West Kingston, RI 02892.
"Thank you for all of your support! Without your help, we would not have been as successful in raising these donations," Boyd said.


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