Ted Sidel 2012

March 08, 2012 - Financial Digest

Ted Sidel, EagleBridge Capital

Name: Ted Sidel
Title: President
Company: EagleBridge Capital
Location: 33 Broad St., 8th Fl., Boston, MA 02109
Birthplace: Boston, Mass.
Family: Wife, Michelle; sons: Nate and Chad
College: Union College, BA, Economics; Boston University School of Real Estate Studies, diploma
First job in finance or allied field: Spectrum Finance - analyst
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Arrange debt on commercial real estate. Will do some acquisition of investment property in the future.
Hobbies: Golf, travel, coach sports for my kids
Favorite book: "Start Up Nation" by Don Senor and Saul Singer
Favorite movie: "The Bourne" series
Person you admire most (outside of family): Warren Buffett
Keys to success: Hard work, focus, a little luck
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Fund manager


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