Ted Staples 2011

May 25, 2011 - Green Buildings

Ted Staples, Reclaimed Energy, Inc.

Name: Ted Staples, AIA
Title: Principal
Company: Reclaimed Energy, Inc.
Location: Ayer, Mass.
Place of birth: Los Angeles, CA
Family: Married, 3 kids
College: Wentworth Institute, Ma
First job unrelated to your current field: Golf caddy
First job in current field: Drafts person at Boston College
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Reclaimed Energy, Inc. is a consulting architectural engineering firm with an expertise in building performance.
* Our services help college campuses, municipal agencies, and facility managers understand their
* We do this by evaluating the buildings to determine feasibilty of improvements and the life cycle costs of those improvements.
* As architects with sensitivity to aesthetics, we design those improvements to be architecturally compatible with campus or building design.
* We're there to follow through to monitor the actual energy reduction and quantify the results.
Hobbies: Building my own house
Favorite film: Mac
Favorite website: Jlconline.com
Keys to success: Watch trends and work hard.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Smoke jumping for the US Forest Service


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