The Era of T12 Lighting is Over

May 25, 2011 - Green Buildings

Mark Bourbeau

T12s have been used for over 40 years and have become the most familiar lighting product. On July 1, a mainstay of the lighting industry, the T12, will begin to be phased out. One year later, the production of the lights will be stopped. This leaves building owners with an important choice about what lighting technology they will support in the future. Yes, a significant ramp up of production will keep these lights in stock for the years to come, but property managers must decide sooner or later. High Efficiency Fluorescents (HEF) and LED lighting are the most competitive options prominent and viable choices.
High Efficient Fluorescents
High efficient T8s have been on the market for over twenty years. HEF are sold to building owners as a means to reduce switching over can provide cost savings and are a viable solution to switching from T12 lighting. These products have consistent performance and deliver better light than T12s. T8s use 25%-31% less energy and last 20% longer than T12s. The ballast that comes with these lights are better performing and lasts longer than the magnetic ballast. Electronic ballasts also do not make the humming noise associated with T12 lighting. The payback for these types of systems are around 18 months.
LED Lighting
LED lighting is the newcomer to the lighting industry. These lights provide good clean light and are highly reliable. A testament to the long life of LED are Christmas lights. My family hasn't replaced them in over 10 years! The main selling point of LEDs is the operating cost savings. LEDs use 65% less electricity than T12 lighting and 38% of HEFs. These operating costs savings make up for the moderately high price. Also, LEDs generate much less heat than fluorescents lights, which reduces cooling costs. Another benefit is that LED lights last three times as long as compact fluorescents, reducing maintenance. Although more expensive than HEF, the long life and lower operating expenses make up for a longer payback.
Making the prudent decision to consider one of these technologies soon will speed up your initial investment and consistently produce savings. Choosing LEDs or High efficient fluorescence will put you on track to lower buildings usage and getting a head start before the T12 technology comes to an end. Embrace the change, seize the opportunity, contact GreenCents Solutions!

Mark Bourbeau is the owner of GreenCents Solutions, Pelham, N.Y.


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