The Construction Institute’s (CI) mission of promoting cross-industry collaboration benefits tremendously from a focus on the owners’ perspective. As we know, 75-80% of the cost of a building is in maintenance and operation, not to mention 100% of its use. Everything that happens in design and construction has an impact on a building’s operation and maintenance, as well as on the end users’ experience. The Construction Institute’s members include professionals in all areas of architecture, engineering and construction, as well as owners and developers, and the industries that support them. No matter what the topic or format of a program or professional development class, we always consider what the topic means from the owner’s perspective.
For example, on December 8th, the CI Owners’ Forum program will focus on the value integrative design and construction teams and methods bring to the owner. We will go from a global perspective to discussing two specific case studies, including the owners and their team members as presenters. The program will explore the value integrated project delivery brings to a project, why and how an owner might select different project delivery methods for different types of projects, and what effect a project delivery method may have on the future operation, maintenance, and use of the facility. We will discuss how to engage a high-performing team in integrated practices and the selection and use of integrative technologies. You can learn more about our program, Innovative Project Delivery Transformation: What The Future Means for You, on our website at construction.org.
CI’s mission of collaboration extends to affiliate organizations. The Construction Institute Owners’ Council is the local users council for the Construction Users Round Table (CURT.org). An autonomous, not-for-profit organization, CURT strives to produce meaningful changes within the construction industry – making the industry safer, promoting overall cost effectiveness and productivity, and improving the way construction is planned, managed, justified and executed. CURT seeks to increase the leadership of owners in the construction industry.
The Construction Institute also has a special affiliation with the International Facility Management Association (IFMA-CT). IFMA-CT (IFMA-CT.org) is non-profit professional organization dedicated to advancing the facility management profession by providing resources and representation for facility managers throughout CT.
By working collaboratively with other owner organizations, the Construction Institute is uniquely poised to provide valuable information and opportunities to all of its members.
The CI is non-profit, nonpartisan professional organization based at the University of Hartford that has been providing vision, leadership, problem solving and unique education for more than 40 years. To earn more about the CI, membership and upcoming programs, socials, and professional education opportunities at construction.org.
Nancy Greenwald is executive director of The Construction Institute, Hartford, Conn.