The state of the CCIM Part 1: The institute

April 21, 2009 - Front Section

Chris Norwood, CCIM

It is not often that I get a great idea. And today is not one of those days. However I think this somewhat mediocre idea is worth sharing. Driving to work the other day listening to my CCIM podcast an idea hit me of a three part article talking about today's current economy and CCIM. Each of my articles over the next three months will focus on what CCIM is doing today, starting with the institute, then the chapter and then the Designee. Not since the original Star Wars trilogy has a three part saga been as entertaining as the three pieces that I am going to deliver over the next few months.
We begin with the CCIM Institute, also known as "Chicago" or "National." Although the last name does not give justice to the fact that there are over 15,000 people who hold the prestigious designation across the world. By the numbers it has been 43 years since the first CORE Course was created, and 2009 marks the 40th year of the designation. It boasts an annual budget of just shy of $19 million; which is supported by our dues as well as the education courses provided throughout the world.
What is the institute doing during these uncertain times of ours? Trimming fat and investing. Since the above budget was approved last year, Chicago has gone on a fat trimming mission to cut that number down, in which they have identified areas in which they can become leaner without losing any benefits to the membership.
The investing portion is a long term strategy that is will pay off in this year and years to come. A while back the Institute invested in a course rewrite program that will be coming to the forefront soon and give the new Candidates a chance to flow from one course to the next with greater ease. Rolling out later this year will be a revamp of STDBOnline as well as the creation of CCIMNext. STDBOnline alone I feel justifies my dues, without any of the networking and other items. will be the next platform for data management within CCIM's offices. By going to that website you will get a flow chart that reminds me of something out of a high school physics book. But trust me this platform as designed will help maintain listing databases, client information and CCIM networking all in one stop. Also, for next few months a roll out of webinars is available discussing the current economy. If you are reading this before April 22, join us for drinks and a webinar party for details.

In these times, my Institute, your Institute is cutting on the non-essentials, and focusing in on last year's long term investments to bring them to market today.
Chris Norwood is president New England CCIM and NAI Norwood Group, Bedford, N.H.


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