The state of the CCIM Part 2: Your chapter

May 19, 2009 - Front Section

Chris Norwood, CCIM

For those of you avidly following my writing like it was the next great JK Rowling piece, you may know that this article is part two of my three part series for the current state of CCIM. Last month I explored how the Institute as a whole was changing with the times and now I want to lay out to you, the avid reader, what your chapter is doing for you.
Each year a group of dedicated volunteers put together a great group of programs at the chapter level. Our events focus in on Networking, Education and Technology, the "NETs" of CCIM. Our goal has always been to pass along these events to you for the lowest possible cost, this year we have tried to be as cautious as possible to help us all in these challenging times, so that when we emerge on the other side we will be stronger, better educated and better networked.
Our traveling webinar series is somewhat like the Magical Mystery Tour, but without the Technicolor and long hair. Each month until the leaves start changing our Institute Sponsored, Chapter Delivered Webinars will be coming to a town near you. With NH, ME, MA and RI on the list we are making sure that you can drive a short distance to sit in a small group, listen to the webinar, discuss what it means to you and your business, and have a few refreshments. The cost to our members is only $10. Visit our website for more details (
In these (insert negative adjective here) times, we are all looking for ways to invest and retrain ourselves. Two ways to do that are our Intro programs as well as our Scholarships. This year we have two Intro courses which are two day courses designed to get you the basics of commercial real estate. One in Worcester, one is Providence. If you have already taken this course or are looking for the road to the Pin, take a look at our scholarships. We give away over $3,500 each year, and now is a great time to capitalize. We will be kicking off our 2010 scholarships in June. Visit our website for more details.
If you are also looking for a great inexpensive way to network with your pajamas on, join our LinkedIn Group and start a chat or a discussion. It is a great way for you to participate and ask questions and get a few resources. Just go to LinkedIn and search for New England CCIM.
The chapter is here for you. It is a resource to keep you up to date on the Institute. A Resource to help you get your Pin. A resource to help you maintain your education when you have it. If there is anything we can do to help you along let us know.

See you soon at our events.

Chris Norwood is president New England CCIM and NAI Norwood Group, Bedford, N.H.


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