Therrien explains the Town of Hebron economic development incentive programs - Come grow with us!

July 14, 2011 - Connecticut

Bonnie Therrien, Town of Hebron

The town of Hebron is located in central Connecticut, approximately 20 miles southeast of Hartford. The town is located at the crossroads of Rte. 66, located east-west through the town and Rte. 85, running north-south through town. Hebron contains 37.5 sq. mi. (24,000 acres of land), with approximately 25% of the acreage designated open space and with still over half of its land area vacant and potentially developable.
Hebron has experienced significant population growth in the last two decades, with the 2000 Census showing that our growth rates consistently exceed the growth rate of other towns in the Capitol Region. The 21.6% growth during the 1990s was the highest population growth rate of any individual town in the Greater Hartford area. The estimated population in 2010 is approximately 9,231. A significant factor of these growth patterns is the availability of developable land which is recognized as desirable in terms of the quality of life in eastern Connecticut.
With a median age of 39 and a median household income of $112,039, Hebron ranks among the younger and more affluent communities in the county.
The town, through its boards and commissions, has carefully crafted a vision that will guide economic development. With the cooperation of the property owners, local boards and commissions, as well as through input from interested citizens, a new zoning district has been created that includes an innovative, mixed-use, traditional neighborhood development district concept, called the Village Green District. These regulations have been crafted to allow expanded business opportunities in Hebron, and to be extremely flexible in responding to a changing marketplace, and also support economic development that fits into the character of Hebron's small New England and historic town atmosphere.
Hebron has encouraged and financially supported the Village Green District (, which includes 140 acres of land, with frontage on Rte. 66 (Main St.). This site is contiguous to the town's existing business district and is serviced by all major utilities including public sewer and water. The entrance road into the development was constructed by the town using a state sponsored economic development grant. The District Master Plan has already received local approval by the Hebron Planning and Zoning Commission and has been approved by the State Traffic Commission. This fall the town will be installing the required traffic light at the entrance roadway from Main St. making this site, shovel ready to a prospective developer.
The town and Village Green property owners are specifically interested in a development that will enhance the town's economic base through a development plan that meets high standards of design, natural resource management, market feasibility, employment opportunities for the residents of Hebron and surrounding area.
The town commissioned a market study, which was completed by DeCarlo and Doll and Stockton Associates, to determine if a business park plan was feasible in the marketplace, and the conclusion was that this is a feasible and marketable concept.
As a part of enhancing the Main Street Business District, the town has recently received state grants to assist private property owners with façade improvements. This program is available to current businesses, and has continued the theme of high standards of design, and natural resource management. The Main St. corridor also boasts many historic homes, which creates a walkable downtown area. Through successful grant writing, the town is also in the midst of installing sidewalks and street trees along Main St. to make this area more pedestrian friendly and the State of Connecticut has recently upgraded traffic lights along Main St. with crosswalks and pedestrian signals. Through previous public infrastructure investments, public sewers and a public water system have been extended throughout the Main St. Business District. Several parcels with significant development potential are available upon Main St.
Hebron also has 15 acres zoned for industrial use located in the Amston Village District and in the Old Hartford Road Commercial/Industrial Zone.
Approximately 4,140 acres within the town are presently used for agriculture, which tremendously affects the positive impression that many people have of Hebron.
The town does offer economic development incentive programs for targeted businesses such as corporate headquarters, corporate satellite offices, campus-style office development, research and development facilities, light manufacturing companies, mixed-use projects, retail use, information technology enterprises, private recreational complexes, and health care facilities, to include continuing care centers.
For additional information on our community, please go to

Bonnie Therrien is the town manager for the Town of Hebron.


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