Thomas King Partner King & Newton, LLC

May 07, 2008 - Spotlights

Thomas King

Name: Thomas King, CCIM
Title: Partner
Company: King & Newton, LLC
Location: 935 Main St., Ste. 201, Springfield, Mass.
Birthplace: Springfield, Mass.
Family: Wife, Lynne; son (27) and daughter (23)
College: American International College (BSBA)
First job outside of real estate: U.S. Navy
First job in real estate or allied field: Selling houses
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Provide professional commercial brokerage services. Keep doing what we are doing.
Hobbies: Walking, reading, TV
Favorite book: Any good mystery
Favorite movie: Too many - undecided
Persons you admire most (outside of family): Whistle blowers
Key to success: Working hard
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Commercial airline pilot


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