Timo Wadhawan Chief Operating Officer

April 17, 2008 - Construction Design & Engineering

Timo Wadhawan

Name: Timo Wadhawan           
Title: Chief Operating Officer 
Company: Heartwood Studios 
Location: San Francisco Bay Area      
Place of Birth and Year:  India 1945
Family: Married with a Daughter & a Son
College: Masters Systems Design 1970 University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada
First job unrelated to your current field:  Short-order cook US Army Munich Germany 1967
First job in current field: Locomotive Design Engineer, Montreal Canada 1968
What your firm does now and it's plans for the future: 3D visualization & animation. Future plans: develop 3D platforms and applications in 2008
Hobbies: Gardening, traveling to experience new cultures
Favorite novel: To Sir with Love
Favorite film: Chase a Crooked Shadow
Keys to success: focus, dream, visualize, focus
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Gandhi-Initiator of the non-violence movement
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Neurosurgeon



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