Timothy Breda 2009

June 10, 2009 - Financial Digest

Timothy Breda

Name: Timothy Breda
Title: Senior Vice President - Office Manager
Company: Goedecke & Co., LLC
Location: 8 Wright St., Westport, Conn.
Birthplace and year: New Haven, Conn., 1961
Family: 3 children
College: University of Connecticut, BS, Finance and Real Estate (major)
First job outside of real estate: Stop & Shop bagging groceries, shagging carriages
First job in real estate or allied field: Commercial real estate appraiser
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We work with our clients to determine their real estate capital needs and create the best possible solution for those capital needs including debt, equity and all hybrid forms. In the future we hope to expand our market share through additions to our experienced professional team.
Hobbies: Exercise, golf, my kids' activities, fishing, UConn. Huskies, N.Y. Yankees
Favorite book: "1776" by David McCullough
Favorite movie: "Cinderella Man"
Keys to success: Passion, perseverance, integrity
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Run a charitable org.


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